EXTRACUIVRE Phytoextraction of copper in viticultural soils


Soil contagion by copper (Cu) alters the winegrowing ecosystems’ operation and durability. Between the rows in the vineyard, growing copper-extracting plants is a conceivable way to diminish the amount of Cu in viticultural soils. This process is currently rarely used in viticulture, especially because the Cu phytoextraction yields are too low.

The “EXTRACUIVRE” project develops and tests several simple growth plans able to maximise Cu phytoextraction on a plot. They are based upon the use of Cu-accumulating plants and the input of agricultural by-products such as compost tea. This project also explores a possible way of upcycling the cover crops enriched in Cu, which is eco-catalysis.

  • Duration: 2021 - 2023
  • Coordination: INRAE UMR ISPA (Jean-Yves Cornu)