Environmental management system

Environmental management system

An environmentally responsible approach aiming to limit the impact of its activities on the environment

Certificate N° FR043982-1

Since 2018, the UEVB is committing to an environmentally responsible approach aiming to limit the impact of its activities on the environment. It is a collective approach which involves many INRAE experimental units committing to compliance with the ISO 14001 standards. It is led by the INRAE ​​Deputy Director General for Resources, represented by the National Commission for Experimental Units with the support of the Environmental Protection Division.

For this, the UE Vigne Bordeaux has implemented an Environmental Management (EMS) approach and a set of actions whose effectiveness was officially recognized by ISO 14001 certification on April 26, 2019, issued by an external body. The implementation of the EMS is based on a voluntary approach which must allow:

  • A better understanding of the environmental impacts generated by the unit's activities
  • To identify national and local regulations and be able to anticipate changes
  • To be able to improve practices in a logic of continuous improvement in the direction of reducing environmental impacts and preventing possible pollution

In connection with the EMS INRAE ​​policy, the priority objectives of the UEVB are as follows:

  • Ensure vineyard management that optimizes the use of phytosanitary products and promotes biodiversity. Thus for soil management, the Bordeaux Vineyard Unit does not use any herbicides and favors the establishment of plant cover on the inter-rows and tillage under the row. To protect its vineyard against bio-aggressors, the UE Vigne Bordeaux does not use any insecticide, excludes the use of phytosanitary products classified as CMR* and uses a sprayer equipped with recuperator panels which greatly limit drifts in the environment. In 2020, 7% of wine-growing areas are managed according to Organic Farming specifications and 25% are planted with varieties resistant to mildew and powdery mildew which reduce the use of fungicides by more than 80%,
  • Optimize the management of our waste through sorting and elimination by specialized channels
  • Reduce resource consumption by combining interventions in the vineyard as much as possible (limitation of GNR consumption) and by recovering rainwater for phytosanitary treatments.

* carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic for reproduction