

The winegrowing past

histoire 1

Château La Ferrade

The Grande Ferrade Domain experimental site was created in 1921 from an old winegrowing property which dates back to at least the 16th century. Jacques de Sauvage, who also owned the Château d’Yquem in 1593, is the first known owner. The winegrowing activity continuously grew through the centuries and was even consecrated in 1895 by the famous Guide Féret: “The wines of this vintage distinguish themselves by their beautiful colour, (??). They compete with those from Haut-Brion”. The vineyards then covered 14 hectares on the 23 of the domain. This vineyard was “planted for its half with grape varieties from the Cabernet family and half in Petit Verdot, Merlot and some Malbec”.

The agronomical research centre of South-West (CRASO; 1921-1946)

In 1921, the Institute for Agronomical Research (IRA) is founded. Its main objective is to “raise the agricultural production and federate stations and laboratories, scattered all across the country”. They are then reunited in five research centres: Versailles (national centre for agronomical research) and then Clermont-Ferrand, Colmar, Antibes and Bordeaux as regional centres. 

The regional station for agricultural surveillance of Bordeaux, founded in Cadillac in 1897 by Joseph Capus and Georges Cazaux-Cazalet, took place in 1921 in the old winegrowing property. It was joined the next year by the Station of Plant Pathology and by the Station of Agricultural Entomology in 1924. The work is mainly focused on the biological study of the grapevine’s and fruit rosaceae’s parasites and the fight against their pathogens (insects and fungi).


See the complete historical study (in French) "Le château de La Ferrade : L’histoire d’un château viticole"