The VitGrefSec project aims to study different kinds of grapevines’ adaptation to climate change depending on the choice of vegetal material. It relies on the VITADAPT and GREFFADAPT devices.

The phenological response to higher temperatures and water scarcity is studied to see which varieties (including rootstocks) are able to ripen in the ideal climatic window for high-quality wine production in a warmer climate.

Innovative tools for phenotyping are used, such as isotopic discrimination of carbon 13 (δ13C), the study of water potential gradients in the plant and the measurement of sap flow.

The objective is also to fill in the existing database to refine the ripeness and sugar accumulation models.

Candidate varieties for introduction in the Bordeaux vintage are micro-vinified and compared to those currently cultivated in the region.

  • Duration: 2019-2022
  • Coordination: INRAE UMR EGFV (Kees van Leeuven)
  • Partners: INRAE UMR EGVF, USC Œnologie, UE Vigne Bordeaux